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Pantomime as an iniciatic art

General objetives: Provide students with the basic knowledge, theorical and practical, of the techniques that make up the expressive and narrative art of mime and pantomime possibilities.


Workshop Contents

Basic: Position, lines, addresses, maps, levels, movement, engines and dynamic centers.

Statuary and insulation bodies. Expressive precision and accuracy in position and body motion and segmentation.


Mimo receiver and transmitter. Talk to and actuates with a the world around him.

Mimo objective and subjective mime. Pantomime and mime. Gesture, actiob and movement.

Basic techniques of pantomime: handling, fixed points, walking in place, balance and counterbalance.


Transformation of mime in animals, plants, minerals, objects and characters. Body building characters from the observation, the use of motor centers, open and closed positions and working with neutral mask.


handling and evocation of imaginary objects and classical illusions of pantomime, applied to different levels or heights and levels.


Duration: 8-12 hours.

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